The Most Relaxing Cities In Australia

a skin therapist preparing their clients skin
We could all do with some more relaxing places, and if you search for some of the best places to live in the world, it’s incredibly likely that Australia will be on that list – and close to the top! Our human development index is consistently high, our economy is one of the largest in the world, and, of course, you can’t fault the weather. But have you ever wondered which cities in this incredible country are at the top? Well, we have!

We’ve had a look at the highest populated cities in Australia to try and find which ones are the most relaxing places, both for living and holidaying. To help us find this out, we’ve taken a look at a number of factors that could influence someone’s life. These include the cost of living for a family of four, crime rates, the number of spas, pollution levels, number of restaurants and if each city has a botanical garden. 

Naturally, the cost of living and crime rates are important to how relaxed you may be in a city, but so are the rest! For example, the number of spas shows the amount of relaxation and recuperation opportunities that a city provides – although an online massage course means you could up this number in your city! Plus, the pollution levels demonstrate the amount of traffic, noise and plastic waste the city produces. Finally, the number of restaurants shows how good the local economy is, not to mention the options people have for recreational time.

Based on these factors, we’ve given each city an overall score out of 10 to crown the top most relaxing places. So, let’s find out which city in Australia we found to be the most relaxed!


1. Hobart

Hobart is one of Australia's most relaxing places

With low crime rates and a relatively low cost of living, Hobart scores a relaxation score of 9 – making it the most relaxing area to live in in Australia. The city has plenty of bars, cafes and restaurants, as well as an art museum (the Mona) and plenty of sights to see.

2. Sydney

Sydney is the second of Australia's most relaxing places

Coming in second is Sydney, the capital of New South Wales. Despite a high population and a relatively expensive cost of living, Sydney is packed with spas, botanical gardens, and things to do and see.

3. Brisbane

Brisbane is one of Australia's most relaxing places

Brisbane comes third in our list of relaxing places, with a relaxation score of 8. Crime rates and pollution levels combines with an influx of spas, restaurants, and botanical gardens make this city an ideal place for a relaxing day out (if you know where to go!)

See the rest of our relaxing cities ranking below!

Most Relaxing Places